Friday, May 29, 2009

Obedience School Graduate

We're so proud. Hobbes Esquire of Alpine Mystery Mountain (Which is his full AKC name) graduated from obedience school this week. He can sit, heel, down, stay, come and we're working on finish. Next family get together we'll show off all his fancy moves and behaved demeanor.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Phoebe turns 10!!!

Phoebe will turn 10 YEARS OLD in October of this year.  I know it is a ways off, but I just came across these photos:

Phoebe Christmas 1999.

Phoebe 2009. 
(that is 70 years old in people years)
She isn't planning any parties or grand balls, 
but would appreciate any consideration you might have 
in how to rid a household of one nuisance of a cat!